1. What is the HTML code for marking the text “Colorado State University” with the anchor name “CSU”?
2. What is the HTML code for linking the text “Universities” to an anchor with the name “CSU”?
3. What is wrong with this statement?
NAME=”INFO”><H3>For more information</H3></A>
4. What is the HTML code for marking an inline image, Photo.jpg, with an anchor name “PHOTO”?
5. What is the HTML code for linking the inline image, Button.jpg, to an anchor with the name “LINKS”?
6. True or False? Anchor names are case-insensitive.
7. What is a storyboard?
8. Why is storyboarding important in creating a Web page system?
9. What is a linear structure?
10. Draw a picture of a linear structure, and give an example how to use it.
11. What is a hierarchical structure?
12. Draw a picture of a hierarchical structure, and give an example how to use it.
13. You are trying to create a system of Web pages for the play Hamlet in which each scene has a Web page. On each page you want to include links to the previous and next scenes of the play, as well as to the first scene of the play and the first scene of the current act. Draw a diagram of this multi-page document. (Just draw enough acts and scenes to make the structure clear.)
14. What HTML code would you enter to link the text “Sports info” to the HTML file Sports.htm?
15. What HTML code would you enter to link the “Basketball news” to the HTML file Sports.htm at a place in the file with the anchor name “BBALL”?
16. What’s the difference between an absolute path and a relative path?
17. Refer to the diagram to the left: If the current file is ludwig.htm in the /student/tutorial2/cases folder, what are the relative pathnames for the four other files?
18. What HTML tag would you enter to link the text “Washington” to the FTP server at ftp.uwash.edu?
19. What HTML tag would you enter to link the text “President” to the e-mail address president@whitehouse.com?