Cisco Trimester 4 Vocabulary & Questions Chapter 6




BECN (backward explicit congestion notification)



DLCI (data-link connection identifier)


FECN (forward explicit congestion notification)

Frame Relay

Frame Relay Switch

LMI (Local Management Interface)

Local access rate


PDN (public data network)

PVC (permanent virtual circuit)

Virtual circuit



Questions – Describe the following


1.      Bc


2.      BECN


3.      CIR


4.      DE


5.      Excess Burst


6.      FECN


7.      Tc


8.      Identify all of the data communication equipment needed to accomplish the Frame Relay implementation.


9.      List the router commands needed to implement Frame Relay on the router.


10.  Frame Relay WAN technology provides a flexible method of connecting LANs. Why is this so and how does it work?